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Learning From Others

Oct 19, 2020

Today's guest has launched or managed podcasts that have been listened to tens of millions of times for entrepreneurs and companies that make seven to nine figures annually.

He's here today to help you learn the possibilities of podcasting to build your business or create a lasting legacy.

Please welcome Daxy Perez.

PS. And Daxy isn't his real name. Listen to the end to hear the story.

  • 2:19 - Daxy's Background
  • 5:53 - Clients Evolve
  • 10:08 - All about the podcast
  • 13:18 - Joe Rogan
  • 23:44 - Packages

Contact Info


Daxy Perez, man. Thanks for jumping on learning from others. How you doing? Doing great, man. Just, uh, just enjoying life. So, so you were drinking coffee and I don't know if you know, but I am the world's number one, dad. Really? Okay. I'm the world's number one. Gonna be dad. Are you really, are you expecting congratulations?

That's awesome. I'm predicting. I'm not expecting, there you go. If I did have a, I feel like I would want to just have it on a farm. Uh, no, I feel different. Raise a family on a farm. Yeah. Cause I, like, I looked at like my, my ancestors, like my grandfather was a printmaker Republic and like, my dad is like one of 12.

And like, when you have a farm, kids become like assets. So you just want it. You just want to leverage your kids. So you're no, no, but like, it's also like. I feel like it just makes it, like, I know I'm just going to be in nature when you're young. So yeah, there's a book that I read awhile ago. I'm not gonna remember the name.

Exactly. I think it was the last child in the woods or last spring that was, or something like that. And it's, and it's largely about that, about how, um, you know, children are changing because they're not exposed to nature as much, you know? And, and how do you, you can't have a kid, uh, you can't expect a kid to learn by dissecting a frog in a class if they've never seen a frog in real life.

Yeah. Or playing Farmville or something on their app on their phone? Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes, sometimes my kids, like with the whole, like with the coronavirus thing, um, I'm like go outside. And so, you know, we're fortunate we have a yard and a trampoline and a pole, but sometimes I think, I think like what, what would you have done 80 years ago?

And, you know, I can't just like tell my kids to go. Plow the field. It's not because I need the field plowed, but because I want them to like, learn something like, what do you do? Yeah. That is it. Oh, the lawn. That's the closest thing. Well, they actually I'm. I appreciate you jumping on speaking of farming, that's actually how it got introduced Josh 40.

And he was, he was talking about, um, like six years ago, seven years ago, he was a farmer. He posted a picture about like doing corn or something. Yeah, he was born on a farm, so, yeah. Yeah. All right. So let's get to the usual intro. Um, I like to ask two questions. Question number one is what are you good at and what are we gonna learn from you today?

Uh, what am I good at? So what am I think what I'm good at is a soft skill. Um, but I guess that transcends into hard skills too. Um, so I think I'm good at Pete, my people skills. Um, and, uh, that's how I think grow my business a little bit. And then a w what we help people with is as well, casting and production and marketing, et cetera, in that space.

Uh, and I guess what I'm also getting at is like, audio. You shouldn't have been doing that since I was like in middle school. And then I just leveraged that because music is hard to make money in, um, to, to a different kind of industry that's similar. So. Yeah, that makes sense. Well, I want to dig into more about your podcasting background here in a minute, but before that question number two is what do you suck at?

What do I suck at? Um, there's a lot I suck at. Um, but I usually don't do it, uh, actually, yeah, probably a good move. Yeah. Do less of what you suck at. What do I suck at? Um, I would say, I suck at coding. Like I just don't understand that language, uh, or anything that's like CSS or just like super tech backend stuff, which I think most people suck at.

So that's a bit, I feel better saying that. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Fair enough. Well, let's, let's, let's get it back into what you don't suck at. So you tell people what you do with legacy podcasts. Yeah, so we work with a lot of, uh, podcasters who use it to support like their personal brand, their online business, their online visibility, uh, just to have content out there.

Um, and we helped them redistribute it, you know, through our own process, you know? Cause I worked in the industry for a while. That's actually how I started worked on a lot of big shows. I worked out with their agencies, um, two, two at the same time actually. And I'm one of them. I was like the audio you a manager.

And they never like it to do more than just audio or blogs. And I'm like, we live in a new world. Like, you know, your message needs to be. Spread, um, on multiple mediums. Um, so we just took that, that challenge and that's kind of been our, our market that we've cornered. So, and so, so give us an example of how you distribute the content.

So it sounds like you take, you know, some sort of initial recording and then do you chop it up and put it on different platforms? Yeah. Repurposing it and giving it new context, whether it's quote cards, whether it's like emails, whether it's. SEO blog posts like long forms, uh, whether it's, you know, article writing, um, you know, doing things for Facebook, a little audit clips, et cetera, stuff that just, uh, the people who follow you want to hear or will have an effect on them.

Um, and just help your brand. Uh, obviously we do, we prefer when clients do video. Because video is like live in a video world. Now, like the reason tech talks blowing up because there's no images or no texts, it's just video. Cause that just gets people's engagement quickly. Um, So with video, you can do a lot for different platforms, you know, Pinterest out a video like four or five months ago.

Um, and, but he was doing really good on Pinterest now and obviously YouTube is going nowhere. Um,  works good too. So, yeah. Do you have, how do you identify, which, um, do, do you, with your clients, do you take them to all those platforms or do you be selective depending on the client? Yeah, it's usually, uh, what's.

I mean, some clients evolve, uh, but it's usually where they currently have the best following and the most engagement that we try to figure out a strategy that works best. Some people that's LinkedIn, some people that's Instagram, some people that's their Facebook group. Um, Facebook's tricky. Like Facebook groups, you can't do like, um, Straight promo stuff.

It has to be like very valuable for people to engage in comment. There's like a call to action on Facebook. I realized that never works. There has to be something that gets people to, there has to be a question or engagement. Yeah. Yeah. Do you have any, uh, like hard before and after examples of statistics or growth or like what's the, what's the goal?

I mean, obviously more engagement, but do you, do you. How do you measure progress for your clients? Yeah. So it's a dynamic question. Uh, cause all of them have different businesses, right. Um, for, uh, and a lot of it's seasonal. So like this quarter, uh, one of our clients is focused on a challenge. So making sure they include that call to action in that copy and their blog posts and other et cetera, et cetera.

Um, another one and it was growing their YouTube channel, which worked very well. Um, so yeah, and if we're. When we do a video podcast, uh, for YouTube, it has to be very like SEO driven and we help clients with that. So we've had some clients grow like 400% in a month for the YouTube channel. Another one's grown to like huge numbers.

So we're over 300,000 now. Um, so, and a lot of it, sometimes those metrics are vanity because, uh, The content a lot of times content is just to remind people you exist on platforms and then that could lead to them, going to your profile, checking you out or saying, Oh, I want to buy this. Or just to like a lot of content, just supposed to be a hook.

I'm like, it's like, what does Coca Cola get for doing an add on Superbowl? Like, I don't know, sales for that, but like, you're still like in their mind. Right. Um, so it's a lot of, it's just keeping it attention because the average, like. Uh, like our clients, like 80% average, like listen through rate on all the podcasts.

So you're, you're essentially, you have an asset of like communication, you know, is there, is there an average length of time on a podcast is more effective? Yeah, the average is like 22 minutes. Cause that's the average commute, but it's actually changed since Corona, since COVID-19 is people aren't commuting as more.

I'm actually gone down a little bit. We've seen, uh, how much people listen. Um, and then there's other things shorter length of time. Yeah, we should. We, right now we're seeing like 10 to 15 minutes be good for like a solo episode and interview can go longer. Cause it's obviously deeper. Um, and there's two, it's a two sided conversation.

Uh, but yeah. Well, why do you think that is? Is it the first thing that comes to my mind is. People are just like stuck and they're just running short on attention, like their home. And so they can flip more versus yeah, they have their kid there. They have to go walk their dog. They got their laundry. Well, I mean, you still get to listen to podcasts, but, uh, there's just, um, they're not in their normal routine right now, most people, which is getting a little bit back to normal, um, and obviously varies per industry or your, your listener, like what they do for a living.

Um, But yeah, something that we've seen to, like since COVID is a live streaming has been a lot more, has worked a lot better platforms. People are watching the streams more, so. Hmm. So, so where do you start with clients? I'm actually gonna, I'm going actually, I'm gonna kind of rag on myself a little bit because I imagine, I imagine you have some clients that just are like me.

I, when we were introduced, that was our first conversations. Like I had no direction. I'm like, I don't know who my audience is. I don't know what any of this is. Like, I just like podcasting, where do I go? So when you have people like me, where do you start? How do you figure this out? You started is the biggest thing.

And that you're going, uh, because a lot of it is discovery. Um, figuring out what content works. Like you have to kind of be a detective like, Hey, let's, let's try doing this content or these call to actions or, um, this style and seeing what works. And then leaning more into that and finding your voice, uh, and seeing what hits with people.

So as far as starting, um, I guess like, what do you want? Right. Like that's not what we always ask people. Cause there's a lot of hidden benefits to podcasting. Some people just want to talk to people, right. They just want to use it to have an excuse, to talk to people. Um, Some people want to develop relationships with, like, I know we have one client who has, show's mainly just to talk to leads like high level leads because he does a, B to B consulting and services.

Um, and you know, she, I think it was earlier this year or December, he got a 65 day contract from guest. First time I interviewed him. They liked each other. And then in the post chat, they're like, Oh, did you know I do this? Or you do that? Oh, send me some information. And then boom. Um, cause you become friends, usually hung interview someone.

Uh, if it goes good, cause sometimes it can go South. Um, so yeah, that's it, it's dependent on who they are, who they are and our process, like with the con, because we're essentially, uh, we're a content agency. We just, as a podcast agency, cause we just leverage a podcast to get a lot of content because it's easier to create something that's in someone's voice.

And to like, make something from scratch, you know, um, just make it random Instagram content if the client has no input, you know? So yeah. Why don't we talk about that leads for a second, because I think a lot of people that are new podcasting, there's a lot of, um, you know, misunderstanding on why people do podcasts.

So I think a lot of people say, well, How do I make money on ads advertisers? Well, the problem with that is you actually have to be good at podcasting podcasting and build an audience. And then the next option people might say, well, I'm going to monetize listeners and I'm gonna gate my episodes and charge somehow.

And so I think a lot of people are surprised that you can position it. As you said, to attract an ideal customer, bring them on as a guest, help them out, do them a service. Then in return, that ends up becoming a lead. So. Do you strategically do that with some people? And if you do, like how do you structure that to figure out how to bring up?

So we, we know it's a valuable strategy and I have some friends actually with agencies, that's all they do. Like all their clients is like their pitches. Like, Hey, like we're going to get you 50 guests, et cetera. But they're, they mainly like market to like doctors and lawyers. Boring people. Um, our clients typically, uh, they're not, they're mainly B to C.

Um, so a lot of our clients are mainly authority, solo episodes. They're using it mainly for retention and just to, you know, build another platform and get more intimate with customers because like, Most people, unless you have a YouTube channel, your contents, not really intimate. It's not like deep, but it's not like long.

Maybe if you write a book or something, uh, what a podcast allows people to go behind the scenes and like people to really know them and their side, et cetera. So, um, some people use it to like speed up the sales cycle. So if they are generating not a lot of leads, they use the podcast content to like nurture that further, um, et cetera.

So just to get them to know like, and trust them right. Uh, that's usually one of the biggest things people need before they buy it's to know like, and trust you. Yeah. And just be top of mind. Yeah. What, um, what do you think about the whole Joe Rogan moving to Spotify? Yeah, that's a great topic. Um, I think Spotify is genius.

Like they stole him. I don't know if you've done any research on it. Um, like their stock Rose, like I think it was three or 5 billion. Since that, so that one's worth a rumor. It was free. It was a freestyle. It's kinda, it kinda reminds me of when Amazon bought whole foods and their stock Rose more than they paid.

I'm like, it's a good move. The market likes it. Um, yeah, Joe Rogan, not a lot. So I think he's going to set a price for content creators in the future. Getting a lot of money from networks, because if, if there's a trend where the biggest consumption is unexclusive. You know, cause in September, you're only gonna be able to listen to him on Spotify.

Um, you're not gonna wanna listen to everywhere else. A lot of these other, uh, like Apple, et cetera, are gonna pick up. There's not really much players in the, in the podcast space, to be honest, Apple's dropped the ball a lot. Um, I think Spotify is in a way better job. So to be honest, I don't. I think Joe could have done better.

Like I think if he would have had, I actually, like, I don't know who his manager is, but if he would've no seriously, like if he would have went to Apple and he would have went to Google and said like, Hey, Spotify is and pay me a hundred, a million dollars, and I'm not gonna be able to put Bruce any more content on your platforms.

Can you do better? Like he would've got more. I feel like, has he said that, um, Because I think YouTube is where he gets the most views. Actually. It's the fact that he's not going to have that on YouTube is he might do the clips. I think he just might not do the full episodes. Is he, has he said he's leaving the historical episodes or is he bringing those down?

I'm assuming everything goes, I'm assuming. Yeah. Well, let's, you know, Joe, Joe, Rogan's like the unicorn in podcasting. Yeah. Early movers advantage. But I think he, he really tapped into like men and like, men's wear a lot of people. Didn't I think Howard stern was a little bit too old for like a younger generation.

Um, cause he was, our friend was the thing. Um, And, um, he talks about a lot of topics. Right. And he, but he has like open conversations with the biggest people, right? Yeah. So, yeah, Howard, I had actually kind of thought about that comparison too, because Howard stern, the way Joe, Rogan's moved to Spotify, remind reminders reminds me of how Howard stern moved to XM.

You know, however, I think he did the same with Pandora too. Not too long ago. Yeah. Was a thing. Well, what's kind of the secret winning formula for, I mean, these guys bring such unique conversation. I think that's why they attract an audience. So like what are the small guys do to try and get their friends?

Yeah. I mean, so Joe Rogan didn't start podcasting. I think he pulled a lot of attention from. Because he's a celebrity, right. He was a celebrity before that. Um, he pulled a lot of attention from the U S I see. So if UFC grows, he grows and the UFC has grown. Um, and then that like fear factor in some other stuff, comedian.

Um, so he has a different angle. He doesn't really, we use it to, he doesn't need it to be attached to his business. Um, he just leveraged this other business to get attention to the podcast. So most people don't have that angle. You know, when a lot of people want to name his podcast after the name, I'm like, you're not Joe Rogan when you can't do that.

Yeah. You mean anything to people? Um, so for most people like the content you produce. Should be more intentional. Uh huh. Until you do hit that critical mass where you can just talk about what that, whatever the hell you want. So in the beginning, it's like, why, why should people listen? Um, and what they're going to get out of listening and why they should tune in every week.

Um, and then what you can help them implement in their life. Like when they listen so that like they get results, they come back for more, et cetera. So. Yeah. So start with, start with a knit, which become the master of that niche and then, and then snowball out from there. Yeah. What, um, you know, a lot of people that are listing are, you know, business owners or they've done marketing.

And so like click funnels is, is well known and you've worked with some of. The T tell me about your involvement with like, you have some sort of connection with people within that whole inner circle. Yeah, man, we've, we've infiltrated. Um, we actually work with ClickFunnels on one of their podcasts. Um, we're in negotiations with them to work on another one.

Um, I don't know, man. I've one thing I learned from one of my friends, Blake Newbar I don't know if you know him, he's like, just get results for people. And then that will like, that'll be all your marketing. Like that's the most important thing to do if you're someone isn't to just like, try to be, it's just try to get the best results.

Usually it takes some thought. Um, and that's what we've done. Like we've, we've grown through word, word of mouth. Cause I think what we did, most people, like what I realized is a lot of marketers would hire like a lot of different people. Uh, for teams and we were able to kind of like supplement all of that, you know, as far as like social, like production and marketing with content.

Um, so it was like an all in one, like a one stop shop type deal. Um, and a lot of the marketers, like if you're running a business, like you just want your time to run your business, like you should be focusing on your business and like, Our clients, we treat our goal with our clients is like, if you never have to talk to us, and that means we're doing a good job, I'm going to stay in as content.

And like, that's it like, and we're doing good. I think that's so underrated because that's where I'm at. You know, I still have the same half dozen clients from 13 years ago. The longest I ever went without talking to a client that paid every month was three years. Whoa. They paid every month. Never mess it.

Like we, you know, we send our touchpoints, we send our reports, but likewise, and it's exactly like you said, you drive results like for being this big marketing company that we have, we never spend a dollar on advertising. Yeah. And it's all just, you know, you get you drive results and then, and then those guys welcome you into their inner circle of their other successful business acquaintances.

And then you just rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. Yeah. Cause especially like, you know, you operate on a high level with working with like big people. Like I think the higher you go, people really pay for certainty. Yeah. Like, Hey, if I'm gonna pay for this, like, am I going to get it? And then the more like proof you have in track record, the easier it is and it, and it also brings down the sales walls too.

I mean, half the time I'm willing to bet it's the same for you by the time half a year, your leads come to you. They're just like, here's my money. Yeah, well now it's like we have to qualify. Right. Cause there's, um, even, um, I'll be transparent before this call. Like I fired someone, um, because I realized that he was taking more time and effort.

Um, The normal. And then there was just like, it was repetitive, like very, and I was we're in that position now where we can be picky with who we work with because we know like, um, there's energy vampires out there. Right. And, you know, like, um, like it's better to just let them go. And, um, it's happened multiple times and it's always turns out for the, for the better.

Yeah. Yeah. I think that's important. Um, The listeners can apply that, not just in podcasting and Dax he's unique scenario, but yeah, it's the same thing, partners like a business relationship partnership where, um, people don't see as a partnership. Like you're an employee. Um, even though we operate as a company and we have a team like, um, It gets kind of like there's boundaries, right.

Or the scope creep, all that stuff. You know, it's in our contracts, we have a clause that the big subheader is scope creep and it's, you know, I'm adding that right now. Yeah. I'll have to send it to you because we get very, because we're in the same position, we get very specific. So it says, you know, to avoid quote unquote, too many chefs in the kitchen.

Like if you, we even go so far as to say. If you bring in somebody that wants to guide us on SEO, we're out, like you're hiring us for a reason. And so let us do that thing that you're hiring us for. And so it's the same thing. I don't, you know, we don't, we don't want to micromanage clients and likewise, we don't want them micromanaging us.

Yeah, I love that, man. I'm gonna have to ask her that later. Well, the, actually I appreciate your time, you know, it's been fun chatting about as podcasting thing. I think, I think you guys got to an awesome little market because the value is in, you know, what's funny is I got a little scribble here somewhere, um, that is like largely what you do, but.

With my internal team is, you know, do a video and then push it to chop it up this way and to LinkedIn, and then chop up this other way and Instagram and chop it up this other way. So like, I think the, the huge value that you guys bring is that you have a process cause everybody, and I was like, yeah, get on social media.

Yeah. Repurpose things. But I think they underestimate how time consuming it a how time consuming it is and B how to actually. Do it good. Yeah. Yeah. Cause even if you have people doing the process or, um, I know, you know this, but like a, you know, hiring, you start to tell them what to do. They're not going to like, know what to do.

Um, so you have to, you know, and in our situation too, like the fact that we do this with, for so many people, we're also always following best practices and it's always evolving. Cause we have so many different like experiments we're running with different clients. We could say like, Hey, this type of thing works.

We apply to everywhere. Um, and that allows us to kind of like. Leverage everyone's results and data to help the whole everyone we're working with. Well, maybe one last thing you can answer is how do you, how do you price a client? Do you have packages or do you do it like specific based on specific things?

Yeah. Yeah, we have packages and, but it does vary a lot. Just the nature of social media marketing and content production, and also like what's going to benefit them right now. And because, you know, with some clients, they want to do everything at once and we recommend them like, Hey, like, You know, I'm a bad salesman.

I try to tell them like, Hey, go smaller first and then evolve into all of this. See what's working. And then if you get good data, then scale up. So yeah, it's in our. It almost gets there's a lot of right. Well, what we do is, so we have to scope it out and customize it. So what's, um, I'm going to help you pre disqualify some people, but by telling us kind of what you started at for if you have a podcast or if you want to start a podcast, let's say are already have one, but you just want to streamline the process video or audio audio only.

Audio packages are from 1200 to five K for a weekly show. So that's like from production and blog, post and editing and everything, all the show notes, the copywriting too, like daily content. And so or so clients we post every day. And so you just take everything and do it for them. They do the recording and then you do the rest.

Yeah, that's our goal. Unless obviously like some packages, uh, you know, people want to live with people in house. Some clients, we give them the assets and they have someone scheduling it. Um, some clients, we, they do the graphics and like it's different. Yeah. We just build into our process. So. Yeah. Cool.

Well, Dax, I appreciate jumping on learning from others. How can people find out more about you? Yeah, I'm going to my website Um, and if you do want to qualify yourself, uh, I actually just built this website. I'm curious to know what you guys think. Uh, and check it out.

Um, schedule a free strategy session with me and, uh, yeah, you can always DM me on any social. I, so Daxy. Isn't my real name. The reason I chose daxy because for SEO, I had no, yeah. Be did you have like a, you have a super common name and so you had to stand out? Yeah, my real name is Daniel and that shook us a lot.

So like, I'm, I'm happy to tell you that you're an SEO guy. So there's jacksy a lot of people, I think in Greek it means. Okay. And I didn't know that. So like, I guess, okay, well now we'll come. We'll end coming full circle because we started talking about coffee and I had an employee while ago, give me a coffee mug that said world's okayest boss.

Okay. Oh my God. The world's doxy his boss. So it was actually prize. Thanks so much. Thanks for having me, man.