Sep 28, 2020
Today's guest helps find the BS in... yourself. Known as the "BS Buster," as in belief systems, and yes, the other "BS," you can break down those walls of self-doubt. But first you have to identify why they exist. Not only here to share advice but their own story of how they came out of their shell to find success, please welcome Kimberly Hambrick.
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Kimberly Hambrick, my friend, how you doing? Hey, I am doing well. I'm so excited to be on your podcast. And just to talk with you again. Yeah. You know, we've had a couple of casual conversations here and there, but I think, uh, you know, we obviously engage a lot on LinkedIn, but I think this is probably going to be our first, you know, legit lengthy conversation.
Well, you know, David I'm crushed because you were on my podcast and she's not considered that Olympian. Well, yes, but I think that that's probably, that's probably more one sided towards me. So now I get up, I get a puck and pick your brain. No, how come? How come? Okay. I will on this one. I didn't know you were a PhD.
Tell me about this. Yeah. So, um, well, you know, I wish I had a really fabulous story about it. When I worked in corporate, I worked as an educational consultant, so it was assumed that I should get my doctorate. I've never taught. I've never been a teacher. I usually tell people I'm just not good with other people's kids because my know where the line is, but I focus on, I focus on providing training and professional development to, uh, People who worked in the education field.
But my favorite story when I got my PhD, my boys they're 23 and 26 now, but they were young. And so they were so excited and they told everybody mommy's a doctor, but not the kind that can help you. I'll just talk to you. I have been humbled ever since then. I'll just talk to you. Well, I think knowing where to draw the line in the sand, being good with other kids is probably a good thing to figure that out in advance.
Yes. Yes. I, you know, I agree. All right. So the usual two questions, question number one is what are you good at? And what are we potentially gonna learn from you today besides talking? Yeah. So I'm just going to talk to you. That's all I'm good at now. Actually I'm in the Lynch leadership line, so I'm a leadership development, personal growth coach and trainer.
And what I like to tell people is I design empowered leaders. Who then go out and empower others. And I'm also known as the bees. Yes, Buster, and so BS his belief system. But I also refer to it as that bullshit, swirl of negative. Emotions that run in our brain the whole time and the whole various successful people back.
So that's what I do. Well, I want to follow up on that here in a moment, but not until after I asked you question number two, which is what are you not so good at? I am not so good at singing and I absolutely love singing. I love it. It is, it is my stress reliever. It is my go to. And I'm not talking bad, I'm talking really bad.
Um, I've been called out a couple times. Uh, I was mowing grass one time and I had a fenced in yard and had headphones. Well, just jam. And while I was singing and. After about an hour after I was done mowing my neighbor checks me and he's like, Hey said, you know, cause I just put a fenced in backyard. He's like, how's the fence.
I'm like, I'm love it. And he said, Hey, your voice isn't that bad. And I was like, so now when I mow grass, I listened to books on tape. Well, that's what I was going to ask. It is like, even though you say you're not so great, do you, do you still try and sneak it in when he can in the shower and in the car and everywhere else?
In the house everywhere. I mean, if you see me in the car, I'm always singing. I'm, I'm the oldies, you know, the classical, the classic rock and roll, um, country. I imagined myself as a, um, West Virginia Cher at time. Cause I can fill it out. But I'm not good. It makes me happy. So that's all that matter. There you go.
There we go. All right. So let's talk about what you say, you know, your, your background, how you help people break through their limiting beliefs. And what's been interesting to me to kind of acknowledge in the last couple of years is I've always been very confident and, you know, if I, if there's something I want to accomplish, then I don't go, Oh, I wish I could accomplish that.
I start, you know, reverse engineering and thinking, okay, how do I accomplish it? And I've, I've learned that I'm the odd ball out and. Uh, so I'm appreciative of that now, but it's still, you know, unique to me that it's more the dominant occasion where people limit themselves in their beliefs. So like, why is that?
Why is that the more you would think that everybody wants, would want the best for themselves, which I think they think they do, but why do they stop themselves so frequently? Well, I'll speak personally about. My own journey. I, I resigned from corporate coming up on 30 years. And if you had looked at me, I was very sorry, successful.
I was constantly getting promoted. I was constantly in leadership roles, but I didn't believe in myself. And so if you don't have a strong belief system in yourself, you're never going to outperform your mindset. And that's what was happening to me. I was kind of. Starting to look around at other people and comparing myself to other people.
And more often than the not, I find people who are very successful, very good at what they're doing. They have this little voice in their head that is saved for me. Mine was, you're not good enough. You're not worth it. And. It's mine developed from childhood, you know, nothing really bad, really loved, but I was the middle child and I was constantly overlooked.
And I think I just learned to play small my whole life. So, so that's how it develops a lot of people more often than not people who are successful do have a little bit. Of a limiting self belief. Um, I absolutely love your attitude. And I've learned to do that by working through mentors with mentors. And to be perfectly honest, I can do anything I want to do these days.
I couldn't even sing if I wanted to, but I'm, don't put, don't make me put you on the spot, but I'm not going to, so do you think that, so is it that people. May not have the limitations. And then, like, in your example, you sounds like you got pretty far and then had the, kind of the lack of competence. So I kind of imagine there's two options or two scenarios.
So do people get far and then become hesitant or do they fake it until they make it? And then it eventually catches up with them? I think for me it was a fake it, you make it. And, and then also what I tell people, I actually got to a point Damon, where I call them got kicks and I had. Too pretty, um, significant gut kicks in a row.
One was personal that led into one being professional. And what I realized was because, because I did not believe in myself enough that when people entered my life, that knew, I didn't believe in myself, some people would take advantage of that. And what I did is I created an environment for people who knew.
That I had just a little, um, chip in mind armor and they kept picking away at it. And I started to realize that I created that environment. I'm not taking any ownership for people's actions after that, but when I realized that I did that, I got mad at myself and I wasn't going to do it anymore. So I think.
It, it takes something, you know, for, for people to make that change. Cause this was difficult work. And for people to make the change something right. Has to happen where they have to say no more. Yeah, for sure. I think that applies to a lot of things. I've talked, a lot of other guests were, yeah, they've had something happen or there's been advice that we all know, um, or is just pretty common knowledge, but you there's a big difference between knowing it and actually embracing it.
And there's so many things along the entrepreneurial journey or self discovery journey that you just. Like you kick yourself because you're like, duh, I know that, but you have to go through it before you actually take a change based on that concept on so many things. So what, alright, so now you kind of take this knowledge, you shared your journey, which I appreciate.
And then now you help others go through and figure out how to kind of maybe expedite that process a little bit. Yeah. So part of what I do is helping them with their belief system. If it's. W where they're struggling. So when you're talking with, and I focus primarily with leaders, trying to help them advance their leadership, if you will, and you can find out sometimes in those coaching sessions, if there's something holding them back, and when you dig a little deeper with them, you can find out that it's for the most part, it's an unfounded belief that we have about ourselves, or it's an unfounded belief that we've allowed people.
I always talk about betting the voices you listen to carefully and, um, I think when I didn't see my value, I wanted other people's to see my value. So I listened to the product and the years of a colleague saying every time we had a conversation, do you know what your problem is? Mmm. You know? Okay.
What's my pro. I started to think I have a problem. I'm the problem. And I wasn't, uh, so, so that's just one of the things, but I'm really focused on. Because of the, and I didn't corporate and what I do now, a lot of times people get into a leadership role based on how many years they were in the organization or what's on their resume, um, am a PhD.
So people will say, great, she's PhD. She's a leader in the project. Not necessarily, not necessarily. So I really want to help leaders. Understand what their strengths and skill sets are and how they can best lead people. And that's the greatest story I get right now is helping people go from great to greater.
Well, how did you make that jump to begin with from your corporate world over into this helping other side? Okay. So this is where I put the disclaimer do not do what I did. Um, because I, I was at work one day. The BDS was just swirling around with, um, uh, in a conversation with the colleague. And I said, I resigned.
I I'm, I'm leaving. I that something, there was something happening that I just could not be a part of anymore and I resigned. And so then, you know, walk away. I feel really good about myself the next morning. And I wake up and I'm like, what the hell was it thinking? And what am I going to do? And. Because I'm very competitive.
I was going to make it work. And so I had been toying with doing my own business because I am a part of the John Maxwell team. And I had joined the John Maxwell team probably about three months prior to my resignation. And I thought I've been coaching people for years prior to joining. I'm good. At coaching and mentoring people, I'm going to do that.
And I set out to do it, but that's how it's happened. There, there are some times that I'll be perfectly honest with you. I'm a person of faith and by the grace of God, I was successful. Um, but then I had to really lean into it and I had to work on it. So I have a couple of follow ups to that. So clarify to listeners who may not be familiar with John Maxwell, what that team is.
Yeah. So, so John Maxwell is. The leadership guru of all times. And he's an international author speaker. Uh, and I was certified as a coach, probably about four years prior to joining the John Maxwell team through international coach Federation. Because like I said, I was doing a lot of coaching and mentoring and it was really important to me that I understood the ethics of coaching.
And I understood the process before I would. Truly go out and coach people. I didn't know that John Maxwell had a team. And so to be a part of the team, you get certified as a coach speaker trainer and a leader facilitator. And the really neat thing is we get a lot of his content that we could then go and teach.
And so that's really good. I've spent my career developing my own content, but now I have John's content and, and that's really neat. And, and I will say. Because we're recording this. I don't know when you're going to release it, but we're recording this and we're still trying, you know, coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
And one of the things that I've really seen John do is transition. His business to be a voice out there to help people not only lead through the crisis, but lead beyond the crisis. And it's, it's just been amazing to me. Yeah. I think we, we briefly touched kind of on that concept, um, on one of our LinkedIn posts together about how, you know, it's obviously unfortunate for a lot of people given the current circumstances, but.
Um, you know, at some point we'll look back and there'll be a lot of positive things that come out of this, just because of how, you know, people had to pivot and industries have to change and evolve. And so at some point there'll be some positive that comes out of this. Now I am curious. Okay, so you, at one point you just say, okay, I'm done.
Ha ha. Had I been building up until that point though? Or was just something that dramatic at that moment. It was at, you know, um, so I don't share a lot of details, but I'll share some of the details. Um, so the first got kick was a personal one with my youngest child. And we were coming out of that. It was about a two year process and, and, and you're a parent it's really different when, as a person who's in control, there's nothing you can control.
You just have to be there and love and support. And as I was coming out of that, I found out that a colleague had shared that story up about my son and the company that we worked, not a big deal. Wasn't embarrassed, not ashamed. This was my life, but it wasn't that person's story to tell, like, it's not my story to tell.
So I had said something. And I thought we were okay. And then I found out later that we weren't, and it was in a conversation where I was told that this person had secretly recorded for me or for 10 plus years. So audio video, okay. In journaling for 10 plus years. And when that was said to me and nobody else had a problem with it, I had a problem with, did this person do that to like other people or you just, for one reason or isolated?
I don't know if I was just that special. Um, I joke and say after I left that person probably didn't have a whole lot of stuff to do. I'm sure they probably found another person, but it was truly. It was truly that, that somebody would my brain doesn't and this is where I, it circles back to my limiting self belief.
First of all, my brain can't even comprehend that. Okay, Damon, you and I meet. And the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to start documenting you. Cause I know just one day I'm going to need something. I can't comprehend that. And then for these actions to go on and on, and then nobody thought it was a problem.
But, um, but I realized as I stepped away, I think because I was so concerned about making sure other people saw my value value, how could I miss somebody recording me and not even know it? Yeah. So I think it was, it just made me feel icky. And I needed to walk away. So, um, years and years and years ago, somebody told me that my moral high horse had short legs,
you thing ever. I love that. And I know it's an insult, but it is money. But there was just something about that, that I thought I can't work here and I can't be around this person. And so that's why I exited. Yeah. So then you say that, you know, you're fortunate to have found success. Like how long would you say give us like some time period breakdowns of okay.
Day one to your first. Okay. I think I'm going to make it a moment to like, okay. I am making that moment. Yeah. So, so day one was, what the hell was I thinking? Um, bam. Then I got it. That it was like, okay, you wanted to do this. Let's see. So I created my business. Um, you know, I named it, I created my business and I knew what I wanted to do.
And then I was kind of finding my way forward. Um, what was really difficult for me early on is my career in corporate. I was corporate development, business development. So I was constantly creating relationships, networking, bringing in multi-year multimillion dollar contracts. I was good at that. And then all of a sudden I'm over here.
It's like I have to sell me. Yeah. And, and I've lived with that for sure about a week and it was very ugly and uncomfortable. And then I realized I'm not selling me, I'm selling what I can do to help people. And then I got a little bit comfortable with that. So, um, I was out of my own for about six months, my first year.
And I was very proud of myself that I ended that year with the revenue that I would have made had I stayed employed and I, and I was like, I did, it was so great. And then I got on a call with a mentor and I said, I think I need a business plan. And he asked me what my business plan was before I, I said it was to make sure the bleep didn't win.
I mean, that was my business plan. It was pure fight and that wasn't healthy, that wasn't sustainable. So I worked with a mentor to develop a business plan and what I was finding. And I think this is something that I hear about some other entrepreneurs. And I had just commented on somebody's post about this.
Once I started to get success. And once I was. Getting contracts. I felt really good about myself and I forgot that they had to continue just keep the foot on the gas boat, so to speak. So I had a great seven months the second year. This is like, I'm making so much, I have a contract, so I've making some money.
And then all of a sudden I realized, well, these are coming to an end. And so that was the lesson. The lesson for me was that you have to continually do it. So the words that have been constantly in my head these days are consistent and intentional action always, you know, celebrate the win, go after a piece of work, get it, celebrate the wins.
Do good work because you want that as a repeat client at the same time, find another one, find another one, find another one. Yeah. I actually remember pretty clearly kind of like a shift on, on LinkedIn where you and I engage a lot. And it wasn't like, as you said, you don't give out a lot of details and it's not like I picked up, like there was something specific that changed that you could tell there was a change in your trajectory and momentum.
And so it's been interesting to kind of follow that growth. Thank you. Yeah. You know? Well, when you think about what my LinkedIn Cherney was, um, Before the company that I resigned from, I worked at another company for about 20 years. And then I went to this other company. So I created a LinkedIn profile.
And I know the day, because you know, it was in, uh, June of 2000, most of mine. And I, my first LinkedIn post was so excited to be working for X company, you know, still doing the same work, reach out if you have a need, I exit corporate in 2018 and I'm like, LinkedIn accounts. I had one post it's just that one and nine years later, I suppose, for nine years later.
And then I realized maybe I should do this a little bit differently. So I had to find my voice and I had to get comfortable with my voice. So I appreciate that you picked up on that because I am somebody who's struggled with limiting self beliefs for so many years, even though I knew I was good, there was this point where I thought.
I don't have anything to say that somebody is going to find value in. And then I realized, no, I have something to say. And if the one person that needs to hear it hears that. And so just as I got comfortable with my own belief of myself and with my, the gifts that I bring to the table, I think it's just been a completely different trajectory.
So I appreciate you noticing that. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting that you kind of jumped on in 2018 because in 2018 is when I really started embracing it too. I had a little action before that I didn't have a nine year gap, but it was more than one post. Yeah. Yeah, it was largely dust. And, um, I, I, I, it actually started because of Facebook and so on Facebook.
Like, I'm not like I don't use Facebook so much as, as probably the majority of people do. And you know, there's a lot of people say it's negative and this and that. And, and like, I was kind of in that middle ground where I was like, okay, I get why other people like it, but I don't don't necessarily. And so I went through and just deleted everything and, and I actually, my wife and I, you know, if you hit delete on Facebook, it doesn't really delete it.
And so what my wife and I did is we deleted it. We went through, it took like three weeks. It was mostly her. God bless her because she went through every single post. Manually hit, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete every single pitcher, unfriend, unfriend, unfriend, unfriend, unfriend, just, just totally wipe the slate clean.
And then, um, because I wasn't, you know, I was on it like everybody else was, but I wasn't nothing productive was coming from it. And so then I was like, I'm just gonna wipe this out. And so, uh, I just kinda stepped away from social media for awhile. And Facebook was kind of the only one I was really on. Um, and then at some point I was like, Hey, you know, I'm missing opportunities.
And they weren't opportunities that I was taken advantage of. Before, but now being totally away at now, I could see that better. And so I was like, I'm going to get back on and why don't I, you know, like you said, give up, give out value. And I had to go through the same thing. Like, what's my voice. What do I feel comfortable talking about?
How do I do it? What can I talk about consistently? Um, and so then it was in, I think it was November, December, 2018. And so that's when I got on and, and I was like, okay, well we'll just give away the farm and just started. So I took a, uh, a much more transparent. Um, you know, LinkedIn all business, Facebook, 50 50 business, but here's a little bit of my personality, but I think it's, I say all that to circle back to what you were talking about, how it's important to find your voice, because there's so much potential with whatever platform of your choice, wherever your audience is, but you really have to trip over yourself for awhile and like figure out what you're going to talk about, how you're going to lose the imposter syndrome and be consistent at whatever you're good at.
Yeah, no, I agree with you and see me stories and people's stories. And I connect with people around their stories and you have to be authentic and authenticity is, is a fine why? Because some people, you know, the big debate of Facebook is personal. LinkedIn is business. I crossover from time to time on short, but.
Don't be too transparent at too personable, but let people see who you are because you're creating a relationship. I really have, um, I don't do a hard sell. On there. And I really get for people who do hard sells, that's great. It works for them, but it doesn't work for me. And I definitely don't like being sold to.
And so this is just the balance. So I, I believe, you know, if you go back to that first question, what I think I'm good at, I think I'm good at creating a dialogue and a relationship and getting people to want to have a conversation with me. Um, I'm bad at just saying, Hey, Damon. I think you need this and we need to work together.
Yeah. Yeah. You know what though? I've cause I'm the same way. It's not that I can't do the cells. I can go in that mode, but it's, I just don't prefer to, and I think, I think the nice thing about that is you end up working with the people that you like to work with because you didn't go through and say, buy my thing.
And then you've got somebody that said yes, Even though you may not necessarily enjoy the relationship, the working relationship with them. So for me over the years, you know, during the infancy of entrepreneurship, you're like, uh, you know, I want that sale. I want that sale. Um, but for me it was like, okay, well, I may not want that relationship.
And so for the Y for awhile, it kind of sucks to turn that down, but then you realize it's actually. Valuable. And then now it's like, that was a good move Dodge and that guy. Absolutely. And those are the growing pains that we all have to go through, you know, are we chasing the money or are we chasing. The work and, and, and sometimes it's hard to say no, but I have said for years, even when I was in corporate, I used to say that I'm an acquired taste, not everybody's going to like me or want to work with me.
And people said, well, you know, that sounds a little negative about you and you shouldn't say that, but it's very true because I'm not always the best fit for people. Other people. So when somebody reaches out and they're interested in coaching or wanting to develop themselves, that's a huge step. And if I find out that I'm really not the best fit, um, and sometimes just as you said, it's just, I want to work with them.
I want to be able to refer them to somebody else that I think would be a better they're fit. That's truly one of the things, when I think about what I really love about being out on my own, it's. The selecting the work that I wanted to do, working with the people that I want to do. And to be perfectly honest, I, you know, I said earlier that I'm a person of faith.
I don't push it, my faith on people, but if I want to talk about my faith and people are okay with it, I can do that. Versus in the corporate world where, um, I got a 20 minute lecture one time because I referred to the holiday party as a Christmas party. And I just thought, okay. And after the person was done with the lecture and it was coming from a genuine place of I'm hurt because this person.
Grew up Jewish. And after the person I asked a couple of times to make sure are you done? Are you done? And when the person was done, I said, I met you absolutely know if that's at all and I'm sorry. And I said, but I hope you hear what I'm going to say to me, it's Christmas. So don't be offended by my words.
And I'm not trying. And so those were the things that was really the eyeopener for me, that when somebody would reach out and want to do work, it was like, I know it's just not a good fit. Um, and I could say no. And if, if that matters, unicorn that I said no, to turned into, you know, multimillion dollars, I'm still going to wish the person.
Well, yeah, I gave him the work too, because I don't live in the past or regrets. I just can't do that. Yeah. So what's it, what's it like to work with you? So somebody comes to you and says they do want to take that next step. So where do you begin? Yeah, I, I, you know, we do an assessment to try to figure out exactly where they are.
A lot of people when they're working on. Well, I want to step back and say to me, personal professional growth are the same thing. I mean, I don't make a distinction. If you're trying to grow yourself as a person, it benefits you in your business as well. And from a leadership perspective, the first person we lead as ourselves.
So it it's all connected and starts there. And so I've worked with a couple, I had one client that reached out to me that just to try to give a scenario of what it's like to work with me, the person was successful, but they were constantly struggling. They were getting overlooked for promotion. They were having, um, Issues at work and we just kind of stepped back and started to talk about what's happening.
And they had to dig a little bit deeper into the why. And once we were able to figure that out, then we could develop a plan plan of action for this person to prepare for an interview and successfully get the job, because I it's like I gave this person permission. Yeah, to shut out the voices of everybody else and look at the job that you want to go after and talk about your skill sets.
And it was really good. I help a lot of people with their growth, either business or professional to move them forward. And one of the things is. We talked about the good and the bad. I am a firm believer that there is always good in the bad, or I would never made it through a lot of things. Thanks to my life.
And especially what we're going through right now. I'm seeing amazing leaders. Who are putting their people first over their business. And those are the things right. I've been working with a couple of teams and coaching CEOs. As they're having check in calls with their team. They're not talking about work.
Yeah, they're just, how are things going? Because you have people for the first time that are working from home. And the decision for them to work from home was made rather quickly. So they were not sent home with all the equipment that they need. And then. The day after or right before they were working from home, their kids are home from school.
Yeah. And it's chaotic, or they have elderly parents that they're worried about. Or they've actually had people who have had the virus and died and all of these things from a leadership perspective, you need to know that that's what this person brings to work with them. Day in, day out. This is just on a larger scale.
And you have to be able to relate to your team. In a way that shows that you have, you know, compassion, but you also have to be the one making the decision and that's the fine line. Do you want to be liked or do you want to lead and leaders? I have to battle with that choice all the time. Yeah, there's, there's a, I had a guest on one time that was loose acquaintances with like Tony Robbins.
And one thing that he was talking about him that really kind of stood out was the, you said something along the lines that, you know, Tony Robbins or Lee, you know, good leaders in general, um, care more about your success and wellbeing, then your opinion of them. And that really stood out because, you know, I've had that concept, but.
Wasn't able to quantify it. You know, it wasn't able to make it literal as such a simple statement. And so I think it's interesting to see the, you know, what's going on with the current world in the virus is so bizarre because you have obviously the one side where people have a huge negative impact as a result of it, then you kinda have people in the middle that are like, You know, it's not up, it's not down.
And then you have the other people on one side is just like on top of the world. And so it's such a weird dynamic for leaders to come into to say, okay, you know, I need to be sympathetic and empathetic to these people. And then also congratulate and encourage these people and like just come in at all these different angles.
And meanwhile, you're somewhere in there in between too. And you've got to deal with yourself as well. So it's pretty interesting scenario. Yeah, I absolutely agree. And one of the things that I've been talking to leaders about is we're all coming from a different viewpoint. And it'll be in your company and the leadership role.
You make decisions all the time and not everything in the normal days. Not everybody agrees with that, your decisions. And so now in this environment, leaders are making decisions and they're not going to make everybody happy. And so they have to be comfortable in own that decision. And what I tell people a lot is.
You know, now more than ever is the time to give people grace. And by that, I mean, just assume that the leader at whatever level this is from, in your family, in your organization, all the way up to the country, you know, the people who are leading the country, but they're making the best decisions when they can't at this moment with the best available information.
So give them grace. And then give yourself grace, because we're not going to make, we're not going to do everything. Right. And that has just been something that has resonated not only with myself, but with others, because it's okay to say, I don't know how to the lead through this. Yeah. But I'm going to do the best I can.
Yeah, well, as we get kind of closer to wrapping up, I kind of want to, you know, maybe similar to that last topic is maybe in a less unique circumstance. So we have going on right now, you know, what are, what are some of the common self-doubts that you see? Is there like a reoccurring theme or maybe some actionable tips?
You can leave our listeners with where it's like, Hey, like I see this a lot. And here's, here's how you, here's how you. You take a PR you know, here's how you look at it and maybe make your next move from that perspective. Yeah. Thank you. So, so the one thing that I would, I always offered to people and I do a hashtag all the time that says simple yet profound because it's, it's the little things sometimes that trips people up, but if you do it and pay attention to it and they have a big impact.
And for me, when I was starting to realize that maybe there's something was wrong with my belief system. I would, I documented myself, so I want to go on record. I didn't go get the notes from the person that documented me for 10 years. I did my own journaling, but, um, I looked at what followed anytime I talked about myself and said, I am.
And it was really negative and it was really hurtful. And I wouldn't say it to my enemy and seeing that in writing and then making the conscious effort to say something nice about myself, empowering about myself. It was difficult. And it was hard, but that's made one of the best changes to me. Um, you mentioned imposter syndrome earlier, and most people on any given day are probably asking themselves, how did I get here?
Why are these people listening to me? So if you're starting to feel that way, start looking to, you know, what some of the issues might be. But I think the biggest message that I would say is. Nobody gets it. Right. Um, I have a good mentor that, uh, he says we're all perfectly imperfect. And I think if we understand that we're not going to get it right all the time, we're going to fail.
And I tell people all the time, I hope you fail. I truly do, because you have to learn through your failures. And I think that's a great thing. Yeah, very cool. Kimberly Hambrick. I want to say, thanks for jumping on or learning from others. It's been fun watching your journey and I look forward to seeing how much further it goes and I'll leave with the last few seconds.
Put out your contact information or anything else you wanna share. Great. Well, thank you, Damon. I'm just blessed to know you. You've been one of those connections that I'm glad that I found, and I like watching your growth as well. And people can find That's the name of my company and I'm on LinkedIn as Kimberly Hambrick as well.
There you go. Can we have everybody? Thanks so much. Thank you.