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Learning From Others

Apr 8, 2020

Ivan Ramirez joins us today on LearningFromOthers. He's one of the first employees at Later saw a business opportunity to start his own operations. He successfully grew that business to be bought out later by Groupon. We talk family and how financial free isn't the end goal but freedom of time is. Please welcome, Ivan Ramirez.

  • 00:01:13 Ivan's Background
  • 00:07:38 Sold his company, started working with Overstock
  • 00:15:38 Damon's Notes
  • 00:18:02 What is success?
  • 00:24:09 Shift in role
  • 00:29:18 Shares his experience
  • 00:38:00 His take with college and entrepreneurship
  • 00:40:49 Role in E-move and other projects
  • 00:51:27 Time management in projects
  • 00:55:00 Funny story